Resignation Letter


Resignation Letter

Resignation Letter is a formal letter written by a person who wants to give up his job, title, authority or position in an official setup. It is not necessary that one writes resignation letter only when he is offended or finds a new job.

There are many other reasons for which an individual may seek a resignation, like:

  • Illness
  • Accident
  • Pregnancy
  • Commutation problem
  • Low salary
  • Company policy
  • End of contract
  • Certain personal issues
  • Unavoidable circumstances

It is customary and disciplinary to inform the concerned authority about the resignation, so that they can make proper arrangements not only for your replacement but also for calculating monetary benefits which may be due. For acquiring ‘Reference Letter’ ‘Acknowledgement Letter’, it is beneficial on the part of the employee to give a proper Resignation Letter Notice.

Your resignation document is also necessary for maintaining the official records. The reason for leaving is on a persons’ discretion; depending upon one’s intention, one may or may not provide the reason. Most formal resignation letters inform in advance about their decision. The most appropriate duration of pre-information of resigning is – Two Weeks, which is why sometimes, such letters are also referred as ‘Two Weeks Notice’. A resignation letter is known by various similar names like Resign Letter, Resigning Letter, Resignation Letters and Resignation Letter Notice. Such letters can be sent through e-mail, hand delivered, interoffice memo or via postal mail. Almost all resignation letters have a common format or style and serve only the ‘Intended Purpose’ unless it is a tact for office politics.