Recommendation Letter


Recommendation Letter

Recommendation Letter is a letter, mostly written by a credible person for an acquaintance, to emphasise the acquaintances qualities for the purpose of employment, admission and/or other objectives. A letter of recommendation sums up a person’s personality and his abilities towards performing certain tasks. Various educational institutes and organisations demand this document before admitting or giving employment to a certain individual. This written reference shows that you are suitable. It also provides a tangible proof to the concerned as compared to a verbal one. Recommendation Letters are important because they inform the concerned about those qualities which may not be contained in your application or resume. The extra knowledge provided by the letters and the confirmation from a reputed person, brightens your chances of employment or admission.

A recommendation letter is supposed to be written by an authoritative person who is well known to the requester of recommendation. It is not wise to seek recommendation from a person of authority who doesn’t know you. Search for that person of authority who knows you well. The unknown person may not be able to do justice to your abilities in his letter. Moreover, the letter is meant to be positive by all means. Being a manager or a professor you may be asked to write such a letter. And if you don’t feel that the requester is not worthy then you should politely decline the recommendation. But if that person is really worthy then you must provide him his recommendation. Often, it comes across that you don’t have time or don’t know how to write a letter of recommendation. In such instances you can ask the requester to write the letter for himself and then you can sign it. You can advice him to write it in manner the way you perceive him. Advice him to use the vocabulary and writing which matches yours. Then, you can check the letter and sign it. And if the requester cannot do this, suggest someone else to him.  

Who writes the recommendation Letter?

A person of authority with whom you have a well established acquaintance with possible expertise in such matters. Depending upon the need it can also be written by a friend, relative or peer.

The writer of a Recommendation Letter can be:

  • An advisor
  • A faculty (professor, teacher)
  • An expert (engineer, doctor)
  • A senior colleague
  • Any acquaintance
  • A well wisher

Types of Recommendation Letters

There are different types of recommendation letters based on the purpose and utilisation.

Academic Recommendation Letter - Recommendations written by teachers for candidate seeking admission to colleges, jobs and/or internships. Graduate programs often require two or more letters of recommendation as part of the program admission requirements.

Character and Personal Recommendation Letter – Recommendation written by a person of authority, acquaintances for varied socio-legal purposes. They can be attached with your employment reference letters for additional supportive repute.

Employment Recommendation Letter - Recommendation written by a person of authority
for employment, promotion and other matters helpful in a work place.

Student Recommendation Letters - Recommendation written by a person of authority for various academic related purposes.

Recommendation Letter and Reference Letter

Recommendation letter and reference letter are very similar terms. These are often used interchangeably to define each other and sometimes in place of each other. Yes, they are alike but for the differences given below.

Recommendation Letter

Reference Letter

It is very specific in nature

It is general in nature

It is normally addressed to an individual

It is normally addressed "To Whom It May Concern"