Love Letter


Love Letter

Love Letter is a letter written by a person to his/her beloved to express his/her affection. It is a type of personal letter or an informal letter.

Common short names for such letters are:

  • Love You Letter
  • Loving You Letter
  • Romantic Love Letter

In the most conventional sense, love letters are meant for lovers, however you can write them to anybody whom you actually love, be it your father, mother, relative and other known or unknown people. There are secret admirers who want to express their feelings, there are some who are shy to express their love verbally and there are many types of people who have a reason or motive to write them.

While most of the love letters are meant to express love, there are other purposes to it, like: apologising, appreciating, remembering and many other relative emotions. A love letter doesn’t require a special occasion or a solid reason; it may be written but still not posted for reasons best know to writers.  A love letter is in itself a reason to write to the one intended. It creates a strong bond, assures and reassures the love and hones your writing skills.