Invitation Letter Template


Invitation Letter Template

Invitation Letter Template 1

Invitation Letter Template 2


Official Invitation Letter Template

__________Organisation Letter Head
__________ Your Name

__________ Your Title

__________ Your Address

__________ Your Contact


__ ____ 20__ (Date)


_________ Addressee’s Name

_________ Addressee’s Title (if applicable)

________________ Addressee’s Address



Dear ________,

We are delighted to inform you that as our valued customer for the past few years we have an exclusive invitation for you. We are organising a __________ this _________. Grace the occasion with your presence on:

___ ______ 2012


Venue : ________

Time : _________


Highlights of the Event

Complimentary ______and _______ on arrival

______% off on ____

Lucky Draw at _____

Fun games at _____



  • _________sale is by invitation only.
  • Please do not bring any_________
  • Goods once sold will not be returned
  • Public admission will only commence at noon

Take the benefits of this opportunity which is exclusive for you and not for everyone.

In addition, please accept the enclosed _______ gift certificate to use with your purchase of $__ or more.

We look forward to seeing you at __________ on ________. Please bring this invitation with you and present it at the door.


__________Your Signature

__________Your Name

Enclosure: Gift Certificate ________


Personal Invitation Letter Template

________________ (Addressee’s Address)

__ ____ 20__ (Date) 

Dear _________,

We are delighted to inform you that our _________Blake Mason is getting married to his beloved ________. On this joyous occasion, we wish to share the day with our closest friends and family members so your presence is required and anticipated.

The _______ will take place on:

Date : __________

Time : _______

Venue : ________________________

A wedding is such an amazing occasion and memories of our own blissful union start unfolding. The dazzling white dress, the towering cake, the exchange of rings.......Well, we are getting nostalgic aren’t we? So, why not relive the moment once again?

We will fill in the details once you arrive. All arrangements towards your boarding and lodging have been made. Arrive by _________ as we need your expert advice on everything and the dress rehearsal as well.

We hope to see you there to enjoy this special day with friends and family.

Thanking you.

Sincerely Yours,

__________Your Name