Friendly Letter


Friendly Letter

What is a Friendly Letter?

Friendly Letter is a type of letter written to people who are your relatives, friends, peers, acquaintances or anyone with whom you have a relationship. It is not a prerequisite that the recipient has to be your friend; it can be anyone with whom you are friendly. That person can be anyone whom you know well enough to correspond. Friendly letters come under Informal Writing because there are no hard and fast rules for writing them. There is ‘Nothing Official’ about them. And you don’t actually need a solid reason to write a letter to a friend. You can write just to say ‘Hello’, ‘Gossip’ or ‘Share some memories’. Most of the times a friendly letter is written to convey best wishes, congratulations, apologies etc. It is a mean to communicate and remain in touch with each other. For some people it is socialising agent where you can confess, share a secret or misconduct, get views about certain topics, continue a chain letter and anything that pleases you.

Parts of a Friendly Letter

There are 5 parts of a friendly letter which should be followed. These parts provide a proper structure to a letter making them easy to read and perceive without much effort.

Five Parts of a Friendly Letter


Friendly letter heading includes Senders Address and the Date.

The sender's address needs to be located at the
top of the page in the center or at the top right-hand corner

date needs to be located under the sender's address on the left-hand side of the page or upper right hand corner above the greeting.

Skip a line between the date and the salutation.

It is not necessary to include address in casual friendly letters.

Salutation (greeting)

The Salutation (a.k.a. greeting) is a word of greeting used to begin a letter. It is courteous gesture and shows respect to the receiver. Salutation generally begins with Dear. Hi or Hello is also used.

Depending on the usage in your country, you can use Comma, Colon, Exclamation (to show emotions) or Nothing after the person’s name like:

  • Dear John,
  • Dear John:
  • Dear John!
  • Dear John

The greeting needs to be located under the heading on the left-hand side of the page


Body is the main part of the letter. It contains the information or message you are communicating in your letter.

It is written in paragraph form.

Indented Paragraphs are used.


Friendly letter closing includes gesture of respect and or gratitude.

In the closing the
first word is capitalized and a comma is placed after the last word. (the practice of punctuation may vary from country to country)

Closing comes above your signature or name.

When you are finished writing your letter, end with a closing, such as:

  • Sincerely
  • Yours Sincerely
  • Love
  • Regards
  • Your friend   
  • Warm Regards
  • Thank You
  • Yours Truly
  • Very truly yours
  • Yours Faithfully
  • All the Best/Best Wishes


The signature is your signed name which comes under the closing.

Sign your name after a few spaces.

If you have your Printed Name, then sign above the line containing your typed name.

Signature should be written in Black or Blue Ink.