Confirmation Letter Template


Confirmation Letter Template

Confirmation Letter Template 1

Confirmation Letter Template 2


Confirmation Letter Template - Meeting 

__________Organisation Letter Head

__________ Organisation/Your Address

__________ Organisation/Your Contact Number

__ ____ 20__ (Date)

_________ (Addressee’s Name)

________________ (Addressee’s Address)


Dear ______,

This is to confirm our business meeting on ____________, at ________ at the Conference Hall of __________. Our Senior Manager and business partners will be joining us.

If you need more information, or if there is a need to change the date and/or time or venue, please contact _____________, our administrative assistant, at ________________.

Until then Good Bye, looking forward towards our meeting.



_____________ Your Signature

_____________Your Name

_____________ Your Designation

ENCL: (optional) stands for ‘Enclosure’ i.e. attached documents

CC: (as required) stands for Carbon Copy, i.e. same copy to many


Confirmation Letter Template (Account Balance)

__________ Your Name

__________ Your Address

__________ Your Contact Number


__ ____ 20__ (Date)


_________ (Addressee’s Name)

________________ (Addressee’s Organisation)

________________ (Addressee’s Address)


Re: Confirmation of Balance as on _______________

Mr. ________

I am writing to request balance of my ________Account – ________ with your bank. There seems to be some mistake regarding the balance of my account.

For your convenience I am stating the event occurrence in serial wise manner:

  • I checked my account balance from the ___________ ATM on __________. The balance was _______. I withdrew ________and the balance displayed was __________. I took out the transaction slip which also displayed the same.
  • I returned home and needed to transfer money to _________. When I logged on to the online banking portal, the balance was __________. I didn’t purchase anything during this time period and neither did I transact any money. In the online statement, there was no mention of _________expenditure.   
  • I am an account holder of your bank for the last ______years. I have never faced such a problem before.

Please confirm the correct balance and rectify the mistake.

I am sending you copies of account statement and transaction slip generated on_________.

An early response shall be highly appreciated.

Yours truly,

Your Signature

Your Name

Encl: ____Copy of Internet Statement
          _____Copy of ATM Transaction

CC: (as required) stands for Carbon Copy, i.e. same copy to many