Confirmation Letter


Confirmation Letter

Confirmation Letter is a letter written to confirm various informal and formal activities. A number of such activities pertain to appointments, conferences, events, meetings, reservation, resignations and travel. Confirmation letters serve various purposes. A confirmation letter is also a written record of information already discussed in a meeting or through a telephonic conversation. Here, it serves as a source of reference, rectification and or adherence to the earlier oral agreement. Letter of confirmation also serves as evidence (when required) used in court proceedings to prove certain facts of events. A letter of confirmation is also a part of Catholic sacrament. It is written by teenagers, their parents, sponsors or church heads to move forward in their faith.

Moving forward with the multi dimensions of confirmation letter- It is basically a type of acknowledgement letter having a formal structure. It has resemblances to acceptance letter, business and official letter.

Multiple roles of a Confirmation Letter

  • It enables the review of an agreement
  • It puts value to an oral agreement
  • It reminds the individual of his/her responsibility towards a certain arrangement
  • It rectifies any misunderstanding on part of recipient and sender, thereby building goodwill and trust
  • It reminds the involved parties of the legal bindings which they share with each other
  • It enables achievement of full benefits from a correspondence, event or product owing to the correctness of the information
  • It confirms participation of individuals in certain events
  • It provides authority to an individual for performing tasks in the absence of the authoritative figure
  • It enables smooth functioning of any enterprise through the clarity of information
  • It is a receipt of various items or services
  • It informs the individual of his achievements and his status in an establishment

What does a Letter of Confirmation, Confirm?

A letter of confirms a lot of activities.

It confirms:

  • Audit
  • Address
  • Appointment
  • Account Balance
  • Booking Status
  • Internship
  • Interview
  • Job, Employment or Work
  • Loan
  • Meeting
  • Order
  • Payment
  • Project
  • Probation
  • Pregnancy
  • Reservation
  • Religious Ritual
  • Salary
  • Training

Most confirmation letters are formal letters but sometimes they may have informal tone owing to familiarisation of the sender and the receiver. This is true when there is correspondence between friends, peers, professional acquaintances etc. In this context, the letter may have some jokes, recall of an experience, a comment or any other material which confirms to informal writing.