Condolence Letter


Condolence Letter

Condolence Letter is a letter written to show sympathy towards someone’s loss either personal, economical or any event which may require so. It also conveys other emotions like affection, brotherhood, consolation, nostalgia. Use of prayer in such a letter is goodwill gesture. Sometimes, the feeling of sorrow does not sink in or may remain contained, at such times, a condolence letter can help the release of pent up emotions. Letter of Condolences are mostly written when someone near and dear one dies.

A near and dear one can be:

  • An immediate relative like a Father
  • A distant relative like an Uncle
  • A pet like a Dog, Cat etc.

Loss of property due to natural disasters or accidents are some of the events which may need addressal in a written format.

Since a letter of condolence conveys a message of sympathy, it is often termed as a Sympathy Letter or Letter of Sympathy. Condolence Letters are personal or informal in nature but when used in an official setup they may have certain elements of formal letter writing. Official condolence letters are written by company or offices like military on death of team member or his relative. Such letters also mention the outstanding achievements of the deceased to give some relief to the family.

A Letter of Sympathy is a social practice which comes to use when you are residing far away from the recipient or you cannot be physically present to offer your condolences. Otherwise you can convey your sympathy message personally. A message of sympathy in the form of a letter also honours the deceased by reflecting his/her timeline. It gives a reason to be proud of the one who has passed away and diverts sorrow into appreciation. Your Sympathy Letter strengthens your relationship and it can have reciprocal effect as one day you might need a condolence too (no offence).