Application Letter


Application Letter

Application Letter is a letter written for a variety of purposes in our day to day activities which can be domestic or professional. It is a liability conferred upon the sender by an authority. In such a liability the sender is expected to explain, inform/pre-inform the authoritative receiver about particular ongoing/upcoming activities, events, process or procedures. It is also a written request when written for assistance, admission, employment, favour, information, permission, service etc. A letter of application is also an accompanying document as and when required. When it does so it is known as Cover Letter. An application letter is largely a formal type of letter as it follows a predefined format which is applicable to most type of application letters.

Types of Application Letters

  • Application letter for teachers
  • Application letter resume
  • Bursary application letter / application for grant
  • Business application letter
  • Internship application letter / application letter for internship
  • Job application letter / application letter for job
  • Leave application letter
  • Loan application letter
  • School application letter
  • Scholarship application letter / application letter for scholarship
  • Visa application letter

Often you will come across information that limits the meaning of application letter to that of just a cover letter. But the multipurpose role of application letter makes it meaning broad and in that sense it also a request letter and an inquiry letter. Varied practices across the globe and the prominence of same type of information related to application letter does not let it come across as any other type of letter. For most of us, the internet is the final or ultimate source of information. Search for the term ‘Application Letter’ on the internet and you will come across information which is indecisive.

Many confirm letter of application as same as a cover letter while some disagree. But the truth is mentioned in the above paragraph. To confine application letter to cover letter is to limit its definition and propagate misunderstanding. Towards this effect, let us go through an example. You want certain holidays from your college and you write a leave application letter to the principal. This letter is an application of request. Similarly, when you need to get a new account passbook issued from the bank you are requested to write a letter. When you want a loan from a bank, you apply for it by an application letter. These and many more point out to the varied uses of letter of application.