Apology Letter


Apology Letter

Apology Letter is a letter written simply to apologise to someone for one’s mistake. A letter of apology is also a mean to mend up broken or troubled relationship between two people or two organisations. Sometimes apologising in-person is not easy because of inflated egos or when both parties are guilty; here a written apology can break the ice between two parties. Sometimes we don’t have apt communication skills to apologise face to face; here too letters can act as mediator between two offended parties.

In certain situations you are not able to apologise personally because of circumstances or personal issues. In such situations apology letters can become indirect effort of approaching thus easing your job. Admitting your mistake and regretting for it, is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of humility and honesty. Failure and mistakes are a part of life, they come and go.

Admitting your mistakes to yourself is the first step of apology only then you can truly apologise to another person, otherwise it would just be a formality. A Letter of apology can be better than actual apology as you have enough time to think about what you want to say. Furthermore you can also edit and revise your letter so that there is no room for doubt left.

The letter also shows your genuine approach as you have put an effort in writing it. Here words can do wonders where a speech may not. Apology letters are both professional and personal in nature. When an apology is written for maintaining business relationships it is known as formal apology letter, professional apology letter or business apology letter. When the letter is written to better personal relationships it is known as personal apology letter. Whether for business or for professional reasons, apology shows you willingness to admit and rectify even a minor issue.